Sunday, December 14, 2008

Seven on Sunday

1. Mackenzie got her progress report home for the mid term and FINALLY straight A's again. It's been a rough go here at her new school with all the changes. She still made the honor roll, but her grades weren't as good as were are use to seeing. GO LOU!

2. Okay Kyle is staying dry most nights and all day...But for goodness sakes can we PLEASE stop pooping in our pants! I left a pair of underwear in the toilet last night to rinse while I was bathing...well I forgot about them and Brevan flushed them down......! I was waiting for plumbing problems in the kids' bathroom, but so far we are safe. Kyle was upset about her underwear and all I could say was, "well maybe you should quit pooping in them!" Bad mom I know. today has been better.

3. Brevan and his joys of being an adventurous soul. He decided today to run up on the stage again(last week too) during sacrament meeting. His bag of goldfish and all sat down in the choir pews and was actually being quiet. I was so embarrassed again. Actually I am getting use to it. Some days I REALLY wish I had another pair of hands to help on Sundays.

4. Pukes.....Kyle woke up Wednesday night at 10 pm puking and din;t stop until 0530. He was a good trooper and used a bowl most of the time. I spent most of the day on Thursday doing laundry. So far no one else has gotten it. Kenzie had it a few weeks ago. Hoping they stay well for the upcoming holidays.

5. Photo shoot. Yesterday we did a family photo shoot. It took 3 hours and the kids were tired of waiting, but none the less they cooperated well with a McDonald's bribe from mom. This was tons cheaper than wal-mart and we got the pictures at the end! I am attaching a few of my favorites...100 pictures were taken! also I need addresses for those who would like Christmas cards this year...if not you will read a generic post for the holidays from me! Okay so I cannot rotate the pictures on this blog thing...can someone tell me how?
6. this week has been busy...okay what week isn't but my days off were jam packed or taking care of sick kid. the highlight was Wednesday. My tradition for VT in December is to have all the sisters over for a Christmas lunch and receive the message. My companion was awesome and took to the idea. They all came over on Wednesday for the lunch and message. it was wonderful. I am learning to love them more each month and pray I can help them in some meager way. After they left the lunch, my HT came over and then my VT came after he left. it was a wonderful day with lots to think about.
7. Trials. this week I had a rough moment. I went to a lady's house for a playgroup and to finish a project. while being there I realized once again what a outcast i feel like at these things. They all were talking about spouses and dates. So I took the first opportunity and left. I know it;s getting better in the church dealing with divorcees, but you still feel like you are wearing the scarlet letter. However I did have a prayer answered later that day. A new nurse was hired to be our unit manager last week. We instantly hit it off. Come to find out she is LDS and also Divorced. It was a miracle for both of us. She is lucky though no kids involved. She is hooking me up with her single adult group that doesn't require one to be using a walker or wheelchair to be involved!!!( and no I am not joking). So I am learning that people need to understand our situations before we get upset with them. Don't take it personally people do things without realizing what they say or do. So here is to finding HOPE again in my single adult life with my 3 beautiful and amazing children!


Angie said...

Love the pics Jess!

I will email you our address but I need yours too.

Anonymous said...

Great update and pictures! You seem to be staying busy.

As far as rotating the pictures, you have to rotate them first on your computer before you upload them to Blogger.

Have a WONDERFUL wonderful Christmas!!!!

Stephanie said...

Love the pictures! Soo cute! I can't believe how grown up your kids look. Sure wish you lived closer so we could get together. Glad you are keeping your chin up. And keep it up because you never know what's right around the corner! Single moms are amazing and I know that God is watching out for your little family! I need your address for christmas cards email me with it and I'll email you with mine.

Megan and Alyvia said...

Very cute pictures!! What a cute fam!

and I totally hear you on feeling like an outcast...I feel like I'm wearing the scarlet letter whenever I'm out in public. Especially in this community. Don't get me wrong, a lot of people are very nice (theres a few that make comments though!)

I just don't feel like I fit in any more...
but I admire you Jess, you are a strong women and a great mother, keep up the awesome work!!

ttcole said...

I'm right there with ya! I almost wish people would ask what happened with the divorce so they wouldn't have to TALK! It does get better, though.

I love your pictures! Cute, cute kids! Glad Mackenzie's doing better, too. It's a hard thing for kids to go through! (Makenna was/is the worst!)

Kyle and Tiffany said...

Beautiful pictures, Jess! I love them. You have a gorgeous little family. I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas.

The Halls said...

Thank you so much for the card & pictures! I hope ya'll had a very Merry Christmas. We hope that we get to see you the next time we are on the mainland. Love you!!!

Love Our House said...

Where did you get your pics taken? They turned out great! :o) Brit :o)