Okay so Mackenzie has been tagged. Here are five things you may or may not know about her.
1. She was born on her Ubcle Mic's birthday(19th) oct. 11th while he was in the MTC and Blessed on our 1st anniversary oct 17th.
2. She has been to a foreign country and loves to look at her passport(went to korea while brendan was deployed there for the army for a year).
3. She loves to read and is so excited to have 125 AR points this year( the AR program is new for us so she had to get used to it).
4. She had a head full of CURLY hair until I chopped it off at 3 and she still cries when it gets done...ARGH!
5. She has lived in in 6 states and attended 4 different elementary schools in her short not quite 4 years of school.
one last thing...she is the greatest daughter and big sister ever. without her help I wouldn't get through most days with my hair intact. With brendan working full time at the prison and going to school full-time she has stepped up. hopefully i am not totally messing the poor girl up.
so here is Mackenzie Kay Cox
we tag eli and syd cox, milam boys, and josh groft...of course anyone else who would like to can.
CPAP Equipment
8 years ago
Jessica, I'm so glad you found my blog! It was so great to see pictures of you and your kiddos. You look great! I'm totally jealous of the haircut:) I'm going to link your blog up, if you don't mind. We go through Blackfoot sometimes to see my family in Salmon, so maybe we can get together with you guys sometime!
Mackenzie - I look forward to hearing all about you since your move to Idaho. I bet you had fun this winter with all the snow!
Miss Nancy - Pleasant Valley, MD
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