Thursday, November 01, 2007

okay. I am just trying this out again. I have had this blog for 3 years and never done anything with it. We are now living back in Idaho. Blackfoot to be precise. Brendan is working as a correctional officer in a women's prison and will be going back to school in January to get his masters in Counseling(drug rehab). I(jess) am a stay at home mom again after 3 years and loving every minute of it. I learned to grow a garden this summer and can/freeze it all this fall. It was ALOT of HARD work, but we are enjoying the products. Mackenzie is in 3rd grade this year and is making A's in everything and doing well in her reading program(5-7th grade level). She is singing a solo in te primary program this month and is doing well with the song. Kyle is 3 and is becoming such a little man. He loves being a big brother to brevan. Brevan is 16 mos and I can hardly wait until Jan 1 when he can finally be in nursery!!! It is hard on Sundays with me being the primary chorister and brendan in YM. He is such a busy little boy. much more than kyle or mackenzie were at this age. Well I hope this works and will allow us to communicate.
The Cixes


Melodie said...

Hi Jessica! I'm so excited to see you blogging! I have been blogging for a couple of years now -- It will be fun to stay in contact this way!