Okay, so I am blogging the day and life of Jessica just so I can try to lessen my business by getting feedback on how to cut down on daily things! So this is how my day goes. I get up at 7 am m-f to get Mackenzie up and ready for school. We have to be out the door by 7:50 so she's not late. That means from 7 a. until 7:55 a I have to do her hair, pack a lunch, get breakfast for her, and if the boys are up Get diapers changed and a cartoon (oh yea and their drinks) on so I can get kenzie ready. I pack them up and we are out the door for school. Then from 8-9 I get the boys dressed, Check all my computer stuff(bank account, emails, blogs, and news), read my scriptures and play referee once in a while. From about 9-9:30 me and the boys eat breakfast. After breakfast until 10, I do my daily house cleaning chores. I am very anal about this time and what gets done. I have list of what will get done during these 30 minutes...I.E. mondays it's clean the bathroom , start the kids laundry, and make my bed. After 10 the day is pretty relaxed until 3pm when kenzie gets home from school. When she gets home she (we) has homework, chore(she has one everyday), snack and finish up the kids laundry and think about dinner. Kyle no longer takes naps so I have found things from daycare i use to use to keep him busy with his homework. Brendan is gone late on mon and tues so I get all the evening chores with the kids too. I also work out 60 -90 minutes m-sat, volunteer un thurs at school, have library day, playdates, and brendan is off on tues and wed so entertainment days. Plus i am our family accountant, nurse, house cleaner, launderer, grocery buyer...you know "moms". I now regret ever asking my mom growing up what she did all day long. It's amazing what us moms can accomplish in a few hours each day. It's hard work and some days I am ( as I am sure many of you are too) just plain exhausted when are husbands come home and want that "alone" time with us. How do you get it all done is usually Brendan's question to me.....Well it's like this you JUST DO IT! there's not a lot of tv watching, cross stitching(like I do that...i hate it), sewing, scrapbooking...you know just relaxing. So I think I need to tidbits on how to do it all and have relaxing time. I feel bad cause brendan is so busy and is gone alot again, but sometimes I need mor ethan just exercising for my down time, but what? Anhyways I am just rambling out my incoherent thoughts. I have enclosed a few pictures of other things us moms do on top of our daily tasks:) Have a great day!
CPAP Equipment
8 years ago
AND I thought that I was busy, but I think that I am just as crazy as you! The only thing that may help is to lay out the kids clothes the night before and make Kenzie's lunch the night before. Just a suggestion. You are doing great! We miss you guys!
Jessica-I don't know how you do it all and keep your sanity! I certainly hope you stay "forever young".
Nancy-Pleasant Valley, MD
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