So this blog is dedicated to my wonderful in-laws, especially my father-in-law. The phrase"taking crap " from someone literally applies in this case. I literally took 2 loads of "CRAP" from my father-in-law yesterday!!! We had such a great first time garden last year that we decided to make a LARGE one this year and do a market in our parking lot. So to ensure a great crop we got some organic fertilizer from my in-laws. They were both GREAT help with the tilling, raking, shoveling, and spreading the fertilizer. I am so grateful for the help and resources from our loving family that has helped me gain a desire and almost a love of gardening. Now ask me in 6 months if I am still enjoying the garden! I hope you enjoy seeing the pile of left over poo and the size of our spot. You might even see the snow flakes that are coming down so beautifully this fine spring day! Oh one funny thing happened yesterday....mackenzie went outside to play and brought all these wonderful big rocks for me to see. I just laughed like a crazy women and explained they were not rocks they were hard piles of cow poo! She was so grossed out. Kyle went ahead and informed her that he and brevan got to play in poo today! So for those who thought I was a city girl....I am not beyond messing around and getting dirty. It's almost fun. That is one of the things that won my hubby's heart....I can dress up and be feminine, but I am not afraid of dirt. Okay so my camera is being dumb and I can't get the pictures. I will have them later. ARGH!!!!!!!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Monday, April 21, 2008
VIRUSES!!!!YUCK....So I have officially decided that my kids have been sicker since moving back to Idaho than their entire life, ARGH!! We came home from church yesterday and
Kyle kept saying how tired he was., and for Kyle who hasn't napped for about 9 months it was unusual. So I checked his temperature( and Kyle NEVER runs a temp) and it was 103.3! So I have been dosing him with Tylenol and Motrin. He seems better this morning, but still has a temp. So I am making an educated guess as a Nurse that he has some virus.
On a more positive note we are going to plant our peas, carrots, onion and Lettuce this weekend when it's suppose to be 60 degrees again. So after fretting about never getting my garden planted, I realized it will only be a couple weeks later than last year:) We (Mackenzie) wants to do a farmer's market, so we have about an acre tilled for our garden. My fear is that she will get tired and I'll end up doing it! We'll see. Anyways have a great week and enjoy the sunshine!
Posted by Jess and the KIDS!!!! at 7:39 AM 3 comments
Sunday, April 20, 2008
SNOW!!! is in the forecast again for this fabulous Spring day! It has actually been a good few days of warmth and sunshine. We were able to get our garden tilled up yesterday (BTW we quadrupled our garden size this year i think). Now we get to rake the massive thing this week so that we can fertilize later this next week. I love gardening and I am sure I'll learn tolike it even in the snow:) My kids have enjoyed a good 5 days on the last 2 weeks of playing outside and enjoying mother nature. The more I think about life the more I am convinced that attitude is 90% of it all and the other 10% is FAITH. As I was listening this morning to Glen Rossin(SP) about a young mother who lost her husband at a young age to cancer and was HAPPY, I realized that no matter our situation how awful it may seem through The Atonement of our Saviour we can be Happy. So Bring on the Spring snow and let's have fun and Get to work.
Kids say the darnest things: Brevan was having a little argument with Kyle this week about words. They were watching Kipper a dog show on PBS and Kyle kept saying that they were watching Cartoons and Brevan would say no watching doggie. This went on for a few minutes while I could regain some composure and settle it without laughing. So I go in there and tell Kyle that they are both right. He looked up and said how can we both be right? So I tried in simple toddler language to explain. Finally brevan says Kyle wight as only he can the moral of the Story was that the older sibling in my house is always right....even if both of them can be right at the same time. It will work well I guess as they get older....doubtful! anyways have a great week.
Posted by Jess and the KIDS!!!! at 7:41 AM 1 comments
Thursday, April 03, 2008
So I was complaining to my husband earlier this week about Spring NEVER coming to SE Idaho this year. He the wonderful man he is reminded me how much I hated the unusually hot summer we had and couldn't wait for it to cool off. So I decided to change my attitude and go ahead as if it weren't 30 degrees outside and do some spring yard work yesterday. I bundled me cute little boys up and trimmed trees and bushed with the trimmer and they used (kid friendly of course) scissors to trim weeds:). Brendan called in the middle of it all and asked what we were doing and he laughed because it was currently snowing in Pocatello:) So what me and the boys were able to do was clean out the flower beds and tree trimming activities and even some garden CLEANUP! for 2 hours . It was lots of fun watching the boys try to carry the limbs to the burn pile ...especially those from the rose bushes(Kyle discovered the thorns...OUCH!). So the lesson I learned is it's all about the ATTITUDE in life that makes the journey enjoyable. So thanks to my loving husband for reminding me how to enjoy the journey and bring the kids along for the ride! BTW my daisies and bleeding hearts are looking great now that I can actually see them!
Posted by Jess and the KIDS!!!! at 9:12 AM 5 comments
Labels: is it spring yet?
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Well about 2 weeks ago Mackenzie and I had the privilege of watching our cat Tiger Lilly give birth to 6 baby kittens, of which all have survived! I was talking to a good friend of mine who was in early stages of labor with her 5th, and the cat climbed on me with something coming out. I screamed not realizing at first what in the heck was going on. My dear friend starts laughing at me and says, "Jess she having her babies and she might need some help." I say she's not having them on my LAP! The cat waited until kenz got home so she could see it happen. It was a little fascinating to see how long it takes and what she does after each one is delivered. All I can say is I am glad I am Human and don't eat the stuff off my newborns. The funny thing is that morning on the radio they were talking about the battle of the Sexes and Mackenzie laughs the silly laugh that kids get with the word sex. Then she realized they were talking about boys versus girls. So when she saw the kittens being born it was a while new topic about how she was born! We've had to have the simplified version of the "Talk", but this was more than I bargained for. So I told her what I felt was age appropriate. So when do we tell them the "Whole Thing?" I told her a while ago only about female related stuff, but the other keeps coming up and I have to tell it a little at a time. anyways any advice? so here are the pictures of delivery!!!!
Posted by Jess and the KIDS!!!! at 5:28 PM 5 comments
Labels: birth of kittens
We absolutely love to celebrate Easter. We have all the fun traditions of decorating the Easter eggs just so we can have colored deviled eggs for dinner, the egg hunts, and of course the Easter baskets full of JUNK, that ends up in the garbage 6 months later! Most importantly we love to celebrate the Resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ and the importance of the Atonement in our family's life. As we contemplate the endless love our Heavenly Father must have for each one of us, We remember that Christ would have suffered it all again even for just One person. We hope that you enjoyed the holiday and seeing our family fun!Kyle and Brevan(if you look closely you can see princess our dog) enjoy coloring eggs and off course the mess that comes with it. Brevan kept trying to let princess eat the eggs!
Brendan of course LOVES the Easter egg coloring activity, and since he missed out last year, we made SURE he had plenty of Fun. You have Mackenzie in the background concentrating hard on the task at hand. She likes her art to be perfect! And there's no Jess because who would capture the FUN!
Mackenzie wakes up to find her Easter goodies with the help of princess. She got a Webkinz and has loved it ever since.
Kyle has wanted an airplane for months now and wal-mart had them for 3 bucks! So he was EXCITED for his Easter airplane.
Brevan is still not sure why there was Easter stuff on the table for him. He just looked around and started playing like nothing was new. He still loves to make us all laugh.
Hope you enjoyed sharing in part of our holiday.
Posted by Jess and the KIDS!!!! at 5:12 PM 1 comments
Labels: Eatser