We absolutely love to celebrate Easter. We have all the fun traditions of decorating the Easter eggs just so we can have colored deviled eggs for dinner, the egg hunts, and of course the Easter baskets full of JUNK, that ends up in the garbage 6 months later! Most importantly we love to celebrate the Resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ and the importance of the Atonement in our family's life. As we contemplate the endless love our Heavenly Father must have for each one of us, We remember that Christ would have suffered it all again even for just One person. We hope that you enjoyed the holiday and seeing our family fun!Kyle and Brevan(if you look closely you can see princess our dog) enjoy coloring eggs and off course the mess that comes with it. Brevan kept trying to let princess eat the eggs!
Brendan of course LOVES the Easter egg coloring activity, and since he missed out last year, we made SURE he had plenty of Fun. You have Mackenzie in the background concentrating hard on the task at hand. She likes her art to be perfect! And there's no Jess because who would capture the FUN!
Mackenzie wakes up to find her Easter goodies with the help of princess. She got a Webkinz and has loved it ever since.
Kyle has wanted an airplane for months now and wal-mart had them for 3 bucks! So he was EXCITED for his Easter airplane.
Brevan is still not sure why there was Easter stuff on the table for him. He just looked around and started playing like nothing was new. He still loves to make us all laugh.
Hope you enjoyed sharing in part of our holiday.
Okay, so what is a Webkinz? I'm lame I know. Glad that you had a great Easter.
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